
Leverage powerful embeds to get the results you want. Real world-tested packages at your fingertips right now!

Choose one of our Recommended packages or build you own!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are embeds so powerful?
The power of embeds lies in the fact that Gbot is coded in a way that it gives special attention. It was more than five years ago that we started testing the way embeds were being treated and began taking advantage of it. You can now take advantage of the power you can get from our video embed network.
Do I need to worry about penalties from doing embeds?
You don’t have to worry about doing embeds because the credit for the embed, views and interaction always goes to the source of the embed. But we understand that embeds are much more than a source and destination. We know that power flows both ways and both the source and the destination benefit from embeds.
What type of properties should I embed?
You can embed videos, maps, PDF’s, websites … in essence, you can embed anything on the web. The only problem is websites which have a special code that does not allow you to embed. Other than those websites which have the no embed code (called an X-Frame), everything on the web is fair game.

What is the best use of embeds?

The best use of embeds is when you use your properties, especially properties in Google. The entire foundation of RYS Academy Reloaded and our Drive Stacks is to take advantage of Google to rank in Google. Embeds are one of the foundational principles on the web. We take advantage of these principles to create some of the most powerful links you can get. Once you have your embed gig done, make sure you use our link building gig to add power to your embeds. The power from link building will flow to the source and back, but both the source and the destination will be protected by the embed itself.